Collaterial Review

Perfecting Loan Collateral: Comprehensive Document Audit Services Ensuring accurate and complete data through a thorough audit of all relevant documents is essential for perfecting loan collateral. OneDiligence LLC’s comprehensive document review includes: • Mortgage documents • Existing notes and executed riders • Certificates of mortgage insurance and/or guarantees • Assumption or modification agreements • Note Endorsement(s)/Allonge(s) and Mortgage Assignments • Verification of Security Instrument registration with MERS • Leasehold estate documentation • Settlement statements • Evaluation of Title Work and policies • Condominium or cooperative documentation Recognizing that each borrower is unique, we customize our review process to align with the specific characteristics of each loan. This tailored approach ensures robust protection for the lender in the event of borrower default. Our services confirm that the pledged property adequately secures the debt, safeguarding the lender's interests. For instance, if a real estate property secures a mortgage, we ensure the collateral can be repossessed if the loan is not repaid. Partner with OneDiligence LLC today to guarantee the integrity of your loan collateral and mitigate potential risks tomorrow.